You never know what will happen when a group of mystery fans get together to discuss their latest book. There's sure to be food, laughter, lively discussions and different takes on the same passage. The books vary, from cozies to hard boilers, Victorian to present day, or paranormal mysteries to historical espionage. We all read the book and each month take turns bringing food, beverages and research on the author. Sometimes our research provides a delightful surprise, such as a chance to speak with the author. The Old Town Public Library Mystery Book Club meets once a month on Thursdays, September through May from 5:30pm-7:30pm. All are welcome.
Picture this: a gathering of readers each engrossed in their own books, but united by the magic of stories. Here, there are no assigned readings, no pressure to have something witty to say about a book you may not have enjoyed, no obligations. Welcome to the Silent Book Club, where everyone reads only what they choose and socializes only if they want to. The Silent Book Club will meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 5:00-7:00 beginning in April. Between 5:00 and 5:30, there will be snacks and an opportunity to socialize downstairs followed by an hour of sustained, silent reading upstairs from 5:30 to 6:30. Everyone is welcome to stay until 7:00 and continue to read or socialize more! If you are interested in joining us, please contact Kai at or Sam at or call the Library at 207-827-3972.
When winter comes, it’s time to hunker down, wear our warmest jammies, pop on those fuzzy slippers, and stay inside with a good book. Welcome to our Winter Virtual Fluffy Fiction Book Club. A place where you can stay warm and safe but meet a great bunch of people and discuss books via Zoom. This is an online only book club. We will meet the 1st Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm virtually. You can access our online catalog to order the books we'll be discussing. For those of you that are out of state, check with your local library for a copy of the books. This club will run from November through April. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Kai at or Sam at or call the Library at 207-827-3972.