Children's Events


 Toddler Time

Intended for children 1-3 years and their parents, this program includes lots of movement, songs, finger plays and books just right for this age group. Lasting approximately 20-25 minutes, the program is followed by coloring time for the children and visiting time for the parents.
  • Monday & Thursday Mornings  ~ 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Summer Children's Programs

 Brown Bag Lunch Programs

Summer sessions - ** Registration Required **
  • For 3rd-6th grade, 6 weeks on Wednesdays from 11:30am - 2:00 pm. Children will bring a lunch to eat while listening to stories. There will be a simple craft project to complete and bring home, as well as circle time with songs and movement. They will also have time upstairs to check out books to bring home. A library card in good standing is required in order to take books home.
  • For PreK - 2nd grade, 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 11:30am to 1:30 pm. This program will be a continuation of our after school library program. Children will bring their lunch to eat while listening to stories. There will be crafts, group games and team challenges. They will have also have time upstairs to check out books to bring home. A library card in good standing is required in order to take books home. 

 Club Library

Club Library is held after school during the school-year for boys & girls reading on their own. A snack is provided and we do word puzzles, riddles, dilemmas, and a lot of singing. This is a chance for children to enhance reading, team work, and problem solving as a group. A parent or child will need a library card in good standing in order to check out library materials to take home. Registration required as space is limited.

  •  Grades 3-5, Wed. ~ 2:30-4:30
  • PreK-2nd Grade, Thurs. ~ 2:30-4:30

 Lego Club

Lego Club is for children K-5 grades and meets from 3:00-4:00 on the first and third Mondays of the month during the school year. For more information, please contact the library.